#WIPITUP Wednesday – You Can’t Go Back Unorthodox Chemistry #BDSM


There should be a law against Wednesday coming so soon. Or a law against procrastination. Again, I must start writing regularly or I won’t finish that book even next year by that time. I give you a little, sweet snippet of an interaction between Lina and Allie.

Unorthodox Chemistry is Book 2 of the Unorthodox Trilogy, a sequel of Unorthodox Therapy, live on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. Both the blurb and the cover are temporary.




It’s been months since the dominant programmer Thomas Jett parted ways with Lina Riley, his boss, mentor and submissive lover. Thomas is drowning in his own guilt and doubts, desperately trying to find peace with his past and forgiveness for his sins. Lina struggles to rebuild her destroyed life, her reputation as a CEO and not completely lose her sanity.

They can’t forget the intense chemistry and intimate connection they shared, the passion and the dynamics of their power exchange. And what is worse, neither Lina nor Thomas can move past the horror of the night that tore them apart.

One unexpected night will reunite them and ignite the embers of their furious, painful passion. While they are struggling with their invisible demons a very real enemy waits in the shadows, ready for a revenge. Will Lina find strength in subspace or that would be her ultimate demise? Can Thomas regain control over her and what is most important, over the darkest parts of his own psyche?


Lina.” She repeated my name with a note of warning. “Raise your head and look at me when I’m talking to you. Open your eyes and look at me. Now.”

God knows that this was exactly what I did, obeying her commands so naturally as if I were her puppet. Allie reached out and gently held my chin, not allowing me to look away.

How were those black eyes so alluring.

That’s a good girl.” She caressed my chin. It was more of a comforting than sensual gesture but the erotic thrill ran through me, as powerful as when I was submitting to Thomas. “Now stop worrying so much about what I’d think about you. I have a lot of clients who react just like you when they first appear for a session. They are scared, guilty and feel the need to apologize for their kinks and needs.”

Allie, I…”

Shh, you said enough. Just listen now.” Her grip became tighter and she narrowed her eyes at me. “I tell them what I told you, that I’m not in the position either to judge them or to make them feel better about what they want. You should do what is best for you, Lina, regardless of what anyone thinks. If that means you should keep your distance from Thomas that is fine. I’ll leave that office and I’ll never contact you again.”

I shivered at that thought. Just when I thought I had resigned with the fact our relationship was finished for good. Allie let go of my chin and caressed my cheek with an almost loving gesture before she slapped it with her fingers and withdrew herself from me.

I nearly begged her not to stop and that she could do as she wanted with me.

What a slut you are.

However, Lina, I doubt you’d be happier if you go on to deny yourself. I bet you wanted me to spank you, even if you are not really into women, didn’t you?”

She was brilliant at that game. With just a few words Allie could turn me into a blushing, stuttering mess and secretly, I loved it.

The younger woman chuckled and said with a soothing voice.

Any other time I’d do just that but you are not mine. It wouldn’t be very ethical of me to take advantage of someone as fragile as you are.”

I’ve been called many things in my life. Fragile was definitely not one of them.

I can be wrong but I don’t think you can go back to vanilla life, Lina.”


That’s all for now, I must go back to writing. If you visit my website for the first time and you are interested in keeping up with my work, feel free to subscribe to Lilah’s steamy mailing list. You even get a free story – http://eepurl.com/b4sN_H. And now head back to the WIPIT UP HQ for more snippets of works in progress.

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#WIPITUP Wednesday – So We Meet Again – Unorthodox Chemistry #BDSM


Hello to all of you, Wipsters and readers. After weeks of not having written a single word on my project I finally got over the slight block I’ve been in. I’m currently getting closer to 45k mark and I’ll pick up the writing speed over the next few days. In any case, it was a living proof I’m no good as a pantser, or more specifically, I’m completely lost when I don’t plan a certain moment well enough. Anyway, our star-crossed lovers have their first meeting after months of separation.

Unorthodox Chemistry is Book 2 of the Unorthodox Trilogy, a sequel of Unorthodox Therapy, live on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. Both the blurb and the cover are temporary.




It’s been months since the dominant programmer Thomas Jett parted ways with Lina Riley, his boss, mentor and submissive lover. Thomas is drowning in his own guilt and doubts, desperately trying to find peace with his past and forgiveness for his sins. Lina struggles to rebuild her destroyed life, her reputation as a CEO and not completely lose her sanity.

They can’t forget the intense chemistry and intimate connection they shared, the passion and the dynamics of their power exchange. And what is worse, neither Lina nor Thomas can move past the horror of the night that tore them apart.

One unexpected night will reunite them and ignite the embers of their furious, painful passion. While they are struggling with their invisible demons a very real enemy waits in the shadows, ready for a revenge. Will Lina find strength in subspace or that would be her ultimate demise? Can Thomas regain control over her and what is most important, over the darkest parts of his own psyche?


A bright flame of red hair caught my eye and my heart skipped a beat, just like each time I was seeing a woman with such a color. There was a moment when I’d find Lina in every ginger-haired female who’d come my way.

This one had her back turned to me and was far away enough so I couldn’t see her that well. She was tall and well-endowed and the bright red waves of her hair were gathered in a bun. There was nothing that really made her stand out and yet, it was hard to keep my eyes away from her, for some inexplicable reason. Just a fragment of her was enough to draw me. My heart suddenly began to beat faster as I looked harder at the stranger and the familiar shapes of her figure. She was wearing a gorgeous, backless dress, brighter than her hair, with a thigh high slit revealing a long leg clad in a stocking.

Allie called after me but I ignored her. I took a few careful steps in the stranger’s direction, with clenched fists, trying not to hyperventilate. The more I approached her the more familiar details I was seeing. The shapely curve of her ass and the elegance of her shoulders, the delicate neck I’ve been kissing and choking so many times, the graceful, regal posture…

No, that can’t be, she can’t be here… Many women look like this. She can’t know about tonight… no way.

Blood rushed straight to my head as the stranger began to turn around to face the stage. I was quick enough to hide out of her sight, right behind another Dom who was getting his dick sucked. The moment she showed her face, even with the creamy mask on, was the point of no return. The sudden wave of heat hit me so hard as if I had a bad case of the flu. The longing I’ve been suppressing came back with full force, crushing my will and bending me.

That was her.


She is here. Tonight. She really is here.


That’s all for now, I must go back to writing. If you visit my website for the first time and you are interested in keeping up with my work, feel free to subscribe to Lilah’s steamy mailing list. You even get a free story – http://eepurl.com/b4sN_H. And now head back to the WIPIT UP HQ for more snippets of works in progress.

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#WIPITUP Wednesday – The Plot Is Thickening – Unorthodox Chemistry #BDSM


Hello, Wipsters! The start of the New Year is still taking its toll on me and I have a hard time to get back in good shape in every possible way. A friend of mine told me I should not lose the momentum and keep going. He was right. Still, I was drained by the end of last year and needed a big break and time of utter laziness. It is still hard to get rid of it and the fact I have tons of tasks doesn’t help. Still, next week there will be a lot more exciting content of my current WIP. Meanwhile, enjoy this little fantasy of my leading male.

Unorthodox Chemistry is Book 2 of the Unorthodox Trilogy, a sequel of Unorthodox Therapy, live on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited.



It’s been months since the dominant programmer Thomas Jett parted ways with Lina Riley, his boss, mentor and submissive lover. Thomas is drowning in his own guilt and doubts, desperately trying to find peace with his past and forgiveness for his sins. Lina struggles to rebuild her destroyed life, her reputation as a CEO and not completely lose her sanity.

They can’t forget the intense chemistry and intimate connection they shared, the passion and the dynamics of their power exchange. And what is worse, neither Lina nor Thomas can move past the horror of the night that tore them apart.

One unexpected night will reunite them and ignite the embers of their furious, painful passion. While they are struggling with their invisible demons a very real enemy waits in the shadows, ready for a revenge. Will Lina find strength in subspace or that would be her ultimate demise? Can Thomas regain control over her and what is most important, over the darkest parts of his own psyche?


As I was walking by the stages and watching the couples and triples playing I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like if she were here with me tonight. If we were still together she’d be wearing the red collar tonight and I’d lead her by a long leash. She’d keep her head down and walk with all the beauty and grace required of her, even if her pussy and ass were stretched by sex toys and butt plugs. It would thrill me to hear her quiet whimpers as the stimulation got to be too much and her classy facade started melting. Her skin would become just as red as the girl on the cross when I’d order her to strip for all the strangers and show her obedience.

I closed my eyes and pictured her naked, on her knees and at my feet, humiliated by the presence of so many people watching her in her natural state and aroused by that very presence. She’d be wet and ready, with her arms bent behind her head, with open lips and gleaming blue eyes. The tip of my riding crop would caress the underside of her chin and make her look up at me. I’d stroke the side of her face and whisper to Lina she had been a wonderful pet and I’d make sure she’d never forget that night. Her body would shiver as I’d press her face to my thigh and…


That’s all for now, I must go back to writing. If you visit my website for the first time and you are interested in keeping up with my work, feel free to subscribe to Lilah’s steamy mailing list. You even get a free story – http://eepurl.com/b4sN_H. And now head back to the WIPIT UP HQ for more snippets of works in progress.

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#WIPITUP Wednesday – A Generous Gift For The Young #Mistress – Unorthodox Chemistry


Hello to all the Wipsters and welcome to the first edition of the fully restored WIPITUP Wednesday blog. The lovely author Meredith O’Reilly  was awesome enough to rekindle the project and start a new Linky Tools account so special thanks to her and her dedication. The blog has a new address in here.

I haven’t made much progress with Unorthodox Chemistry, or at least not much since the last time I posted. Now that 2017 has officially started I’ll get my ass in gear and make a progress with it. There are so many things that keep me from fully immersing in it and writing but I’ll find the time. Meanwhile, enjoy a little something from Chapter 8.

Unorthodox Chemistry is Book 2 of the Unorthodox Trilogy, a sequel of Unorthodox Therapy, live on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited.



It’s been months since the dominant programmer Thomas Jett parted ways with Lina Riley, his boss, mentor and submissive lover. Thomas is drowning in his own guilt and doubts, desperately trying to find peace with his past and forgiveness for his sins. Lina struggles to rebuild her destroyed life, her reputation as a CEO and not completely lose her sanity.

They can’t forget the intense chemistry and intimate connection they shared, the passion and the dynamics of their power exchange. And what is worse, neither Lina nor Thomas can move past the horror of the night that tore them apart.

One unexpected night will reunite them and ignite the embers of their furious, painful passion. While they are struggling with their invisible demons a very real enemy waits in the shadows, ready for a revenge. Will Lina find strength in subspace or that would be her ultimate demise? Can Thomas regain control over her and what is most important, over the darkest parts of his own psyche?


While we were making our way through the crowd several tops approached Mistress Sheila. They were uttering her name with a respect and offering her their subs as a treat. One of them who introduced himself as Sir Walter, a gentleman in his sixties, with a goatee and a silver cane, was quite the impressive case. He held two subs by their leashes, a man and a woman who were kneeling obediently by their Master’s feet. They had the perfect bodies of people who work out all the time, slave collars signifying they were owned and tattoos of his initials on their hips. Their eyes were cast down in a perfect obedience. I noticed that they even moved in a synchronous fashion.

Aren’t they adorable?” Sir Walter snickered and patted their heads. “They could easily pass as twins. Sometimes I have them roleplay as a brother and sister and they are really good at it. It’s a rare to find someone who is so convincing during rape play.” The girl shivered as he ran his fingers down her chin, to her heavy collar. “They’ll do everything you tell them, Mistress, are you sure you don’t want them for the night? I’d love to see what a young lady like you can do with my slaves. They were trained to please both men and women.”

Did the old fucker just look at me in a suggestive way? Seriously, have I started exuding some gay vibe?

Allie smiled widely and I could see in her eyes she was tempted. Most of her former official subs were men in their late thirties or early forties but she had a pretty various sexual appetite. Usually, she’d accept his offer without blinking an eye and put the pseudo twins through their paces.


That’s all for now, I must go back to writing. If you visit my website for the first time and you are interested in keeping up with my work, feel free to subscribe to Lilah’s steamy mailing list. You even get a free story – http://eepurl.com/b4sN_H. And now head back to the WIPIT UP HQ for more snippets of works in progress.

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#WIPITUP Wednesday – Kitty’s Gift – A Kinky Yuletide Tale #BDSM

Tomorrow I’ll be hitting the publish button for one small and sideways project that caught my attention while I was writing Unorthodox Chemistry. Usually, it is not a good idea to indulge in the temptation of a neat, short story but since the season was right I decided to give it a shot. This is Kitty’s Gift: A Kinky Yuletide Tale, a short Christmas edition focused on Evan and Annabelle, two of my characters from Stroker Ace: A Kinky Fairy Tale.


2He approached the group and hugged Annabelle from behind. Her body went stiff for a moment as she hadn’t seen him but then she relaxed and pressed her back to his chest.

Mind if I steal her from you for a few minutes?”

Annabelle excused herself with a slight tremble in her voice and allowed Evan to lead her away, to a secluded corner of the gallery. He noticed the strain in her shoulders and moved his hand to rub the base of her neck, a gesture that always calmed her. He leaned to kiss her ear and whispered.

I missed you today.

She gasped and tried to hide her arousal with a nervous laughter.

But Sir, we spent the entire day together.

That is even worse than not seeing you at all.His fingers ran down her waist and he pushed her long hair away so he could kiss her neck. “Being around you all day and not having you on my leash is a torture. Especially when I imagine how you slip your panties off under that cute dress.”

Evan, please…” Oh, that adorable blush whenever he was being inappropriate in public. It was just too sweet. “Someone can hear us.”

He pressed his lips to her ear and whispered softly, his erection grinding against her firm ass.

I’m sorry, pet, but I don’t think I can wait until we get home tonight. If I don’t get to fuck you anytime soon, I’ll explode. I’m sure your tight little cunt is just as wet.”

Please, stop it…” Her nipples went rock hard under the red dress and she moved her hips against the bulge in his pants. “I want you too but...”

So, it’s settled. After you close I want you to stand at the center of the gallery, strip to your stockings and kneel in the waiting position. I have a special surprise.

What?” She nearly choked and looked at him in horror. “Evan, please, you promised not to humiliate me in public.”

There will be no public tonight. We’ll be all alone.” He kissed her lips reassuringly and whispered. “You need to get comfortable with submitting to me outside of our home. I know you’ll love it. Don’t worry.” Evan hugged her tighter as the tremble in her body grew more intense. “You can trust me to take care that no one will see anything. Just do as you’re told.”


Her question was followed by a sharp stinging slap on her ass that luckily no one got to see.

That’s not a request, Annabelle. If I get down in here after we close and I don’t find you naked and ready for me, there will be consequences.”

She looked scared for a moment so he kissed her again, sliding his tongue in her mouth and running his fingers through her hair until her shaking subsided. Evan reluctantly pulled away and left another small, chaste kiss on her forehead.

See you later, pet. Don’t disappoint me.”

Annabelle cursed him on the inside when he walked away, leaving her wet, hot and bothered. The exhibition wouldn’t be over for at least an hour and she had tons of tasks before officially closing. Tonight was the Christmas Exhibition for Young Talents. Annabelle had to be her graceful, charming self, the art dealer, and gallery owner, not Evan’s submissive slut and filthy pet.

They agreed they’d only play their kinky games at home but she had admitted shyly it would turn her on if they ever did anything semi-public. Annabelle had written it down as a soft limit and Evan told her that he’d push it at his discretion.

Why did he have to play that card tonight?

Annabelle knew she’d surrender to his sensual corruption and soon she’d be doing anything he asks and she’d beg for that privilege.


#WIPITUP Wednesday – Show Him Who’s Boss – Unorthodox Chemistry #BDSM



Perhaps I should come up with some graphics and Linky Tools for those weekend excerpts. If only there was more time for that. So, this weekend I have been very lazy and demotivated to do anything, it was some total burnout moment but I decided to share that small, hopefully, funny piece with you. This week I’m finally pulling myself together so I can continue my characters’ journey and keep up with everything else. I guess I’d have to start with the energy drinks again. Today I also present the temporary blurb to your attention.

Unorthodox Chemistry is Book 2 of the Unorthodox Trilogy, a sequel of Unorthodox Therapy.



It’s been months since the dominant programmer Thomas Jett parted ways with Lina Riley, his boss, mentor and submissive lover. Thomas is drowning in his own guilt and doubts, desperately trying to find peace with his past and forgiveness for his sins. Lina struggles to rebuild her destroyed life, her reputation as a CEO and not completely lose her sanity.

They can’t forget the intense chemistry and intimate connection they shared, the passion and the dynamics of their power exchange. And what is worse, neither Lina nor Thomas can move past the horror of the night that tore them apart.

One unexpected night will reunite them and ignite the embers of their furious, painful passion. While they are struggling with their invisible demons a very real enemy waits in the shadows, ready for a revenge. Will Lina find strength in subspace or that would be her ultimate demise? Can Thomas regain control over her and what is most important, over the darkest parts of his own psyche?


Mistress, may I speak?” Trixter chimed.

Allie sighed and looked back at him with irritation.

Only if you have something substantial to add to the discussion. If you’re just going to talk trash I’ll add ten strokes to your usual punishment.”

If Thomas can’t top perhaps I can persuade him to bottom for me?” He flashed her a perfect, innocent smile and fluttered his eyelashes. Very manly, dude, you swept me off my feet. “I’m in shortage at the moment and he’d make a great bitch boy after I train him properly.”

It took just this line to make something inside me snap into place. The earlier irritation with Allie left the space to an unnatural calm that possessed my entire body. Without saying a single word I took the riding crop from her. She was watching me carefully but didn’t show any resistance and handed me the tool.

When I approached Trixter he suddenly lost his “manly” bravado and licked his lips with nervousness. I caught a hint of fear and anxiety in his mocking eyes. A light smile crept up on my face but I stayed silent and placed the edge of the crop beneath his chin, lifting his face so he’d look at me. After the man started squirming in his restraints and attempted to avert his eyes from mine I swiftly raised the riding crop and swatted his both cheeks two times. It elicited a nice cry of pain from Trixter and he looked up at me with such a surprise. His reaction was priceless and if he was a beautiful woman it would get me hard.

Oh, I just love it when someone doesn’t take me too seriously.

Sorry, dude, you’re not my type.”

When I turned back to Allie to hand her the riding crop her face was glowing with triumph. She picked up the envelope she had placed on the spanking bench earlier and shoved it in my hand.


That’s all for now, I must go back to writing. If you visit my website for the first time and you are interested in keeping up with my work, feel free to subscribe to Lilah’s steamy mailing list. You even get a free story – http://eepurl.com/b4sN_H.

#WIPITUP Wednesday – A Sexy #Redhead in a #BDSM Club – Unorthodox Chemistry


Much to my regret, the WIPITUP Wednesday blog ceased its activity but since it is something I enjoyed a lot, I decided to continue with the snippets, as long as I have some work in progress. I’m considering to start a version of my own, eventually, with a different name and a hashtag.

This week you get a small peek into Thomas’ thoughts as he is slowly making his way back in the game, at an intense party for his best friend’s birthday. Next week you’ll get either a beautiful stage performance or his first clash with Lina after months of not seeing her. 🙂 Or something else entirely.

Unorthodox Chemistry is Book 2 of the Unorthodox Trilogy, a sequel of Unorthodox Therapy.




The blonde woman smiled with cruelty and raised a pair of nipple clamps dangling from a sturdy chain. The Dom held the girl by the chin in a firm grasp while her Mistress was attaching the clamps to the gum drop sized, pulsing nipples. The bound girl cried out and I could hear the anguish even from so far away. She was so beautiful in her suffering, so lost in the moment, giving her arousal, pain and full obedience to the tops. The man took a few steps back and after sharing a few words with the Mistress, he raised his flogger and struck at the redhead’s chest, straight across the chain.

The expression on the submissive’s face was shifting from elation to begging, anxiety, and pain, torn between the harsh tug of her flesh and the pleasure of her pussy being widened. That was the kind of look that always got to me, that helplessness and despair, fighting with the lust and need.

If only I could get closer so I’d fully drink on the emotion, savor that stranger’s reaction on her journey through subspace. The arousal of watching her shift her state of mind and body, so trusting and obedient, made my own body burn with lust and zeal I hadn’t felt for months. It’s been so long since I’ve watched any kind of play. I had forgotten the beauty of power exchange. She was fully giving herself, without any restraints or hesitation, embracing the pain with just as much willingness as the pleasure. The red stripes on her body were getting brighter, just as her eyes as the man tugged the chain down and the woman hit her straight across the clit with her long nails.

It was so mesmerizing I couldn’t keep my eyes off them, among the busy club environment. These three people didn’t notice anything beyond the scene, sharing it with the world and yet ignoring its presence. I was sure that if I approached them and asked in a quiet, respectful way they’d allow me to assist them. Their little pet was deceptive in her frailty but something about her face made me think she could take a lot. The more they were beating her the wetter she was getting and the ecstasy was easier to hear in her begging screams.

It would be thrilling to hold the power once again, to make her scream and put her through her paces, help her get to places she’s never been.


That’s all for now, I must go back to writing. If you visit my website for the first time and you are interested in keeping up with my work, feel free to subscribe to Lilah’s steamy mailing list. You even get a free story – http://eepurl.com/b4sN_H.


#WIP IT UP Wednesday – A Mistress’ Private Chambers – Unorthodox Chemistry #BDSM


Hey there Wipsters, like I promised here is the next portion chemistry, this time you get a little Thomas perspective. It’s from a chapter in which we learn more about a supporting character from Book 1. Her role will grow significantly in Unorthodox Chemistry so yes, the readers will be in for mixed kink, even if the maledom/femsub will be predominant, no pun intended. Maybe that is wrong from target point of view but damn it, these are my favorite kind of books. I’m currently past the 30k mark and getting further and deeper in the juicier parts of the plot. Next week you may get some hot club action.

Unorthodox Chemistry is Book 2 of the Unorthodox Trilogy, a sequel of Unorthodox Therapy.




I put on some slippers that she must have left for me by the bed, as well as the T-shirt and boxers, and walked out the door. My gait was still unsteady and I had some pulsing headache but at least I wasn’t the vomiting, pathetic creature I had been before… how much time had I spent in that nondescript room?

Either way, my sense of smell was also recovering remarkably well. The seductive fragrance of coffee was alluring me to Allie’s kitchen. It’s been way too long since I had a high-quality caffeine in my system and I was ready to even take her dark witch poison, strong enough to kill a horse.

She lived in a spacious studio in a neighborhood close to Marina, a different place than her professional realm of a dominatrix. One would expect that someone like her would be a lot more minimalistic and would avoid the clutter like it was the plague, or that she’d keep her color scheme in blacks, whites and grays, chrome and black leather, aesthetic to the last detail. Instead, her walls were painted in a cheerful pink, the living room had a whole cupboard, filled with all sort of kitschy souvenirs, as well as some landscape paintings and wooden figurines on the walls. The only room that gave away something of her kinky lifestyle was her personal bedroom, with its king-sized four poster bed and an adjoining playroom. The innocent visitor could easily mistake the door leading to it for a walk in closet.

Then again, innocent visitors had no place in Mistress Sheila’s private chambers. Only those fully aware of what was going to happen to them were allowed to pass through the gate of depravity. Usually after weeks of thorough training.

The hallway from the subs’ room was leading straight to the kitchen. It felt weird to be walking down it. During my visits at Allie’s I have seen so many men and sometimes even women to crawl there, with an anal hook attached to the lead of their collar, supporting a silver tray on the small of their backs. It was one of the ultimate tests she put them through so they’d prove their worth. Some of those really desperate to please her would beg beautifully for Mistress to push them even further and would get the addition of nipple clamps or clothes pins.

I didn’t see myself in such a role but I was watching her like an observant student, always trying to emulate her, in hopes that her dominance would rub off on me. She often consulted me on Lina’s punishments though she had never taken part in our play.


That’s all for now, I must go back to writing. If you visit my website for the first time and you are interested in keeping up with my work, feel free to subscribe to Lilah’s steamy mailing list. You even get a free story – http://eepurl.com/b4sN_H. Meanwhile, if you want to check out some other fantastic writers and their work in progress go to the WIP IT UP Wednesday HQ for more salacious snippets.

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#WIPITUP Wednesday -Ghosts of the Past – Unorthodox Chemistry #BDSM


Hello, Wipsters and fans (are you there?). The past few days have been incredibly busy and didn’t leave me time for writing but I’ll make up for it soon. I’m currently at the beginning of Chapter 3 so next time there will be some male POV. Meanwhile, have this little Lina snippet on memories and past details we only notice when it’s too late.

Unorthodox Chemistry is Book 2 of the Unorthodox Trilogy, a sequel of Unorthodox Therapy.




I wouldn’t guess in a million years Thomas has been doing any of that for me. Perhaps I’ve just been in denial. My mind was busier with more important tasks and his obvious crush on me wasn’t a top priority. However, all those details came crashing down on me now, years later, when they no longer mattered.

Maybe I was just coloring the past with exaggerated details now that I knew about his sexual preferences and after I’ve had such intense experiences at his feet, on his leash. After he completely turned around my ideas for who I was and what I longed for.

Would my life have been different if I had noticed the signs of his desire, the quiet invitation he extended to me?

When we arrived at the hotel Thomas had insisted that he carried my suitcase all the way to my room. I protested with the ardency of a thousand fiery suns but he wasn’t taking no for an answer. I gave in, as usual, and allowed him to take care of the heavy lifting. He shared with an awkward smile he was working out a lot so it could be a good exercise. I only rolled my eyes at that.

Just when I was opening the door Thomas uttered in a deep voice that he’d be just in the other room. So if at any point I needed him, no matter how late or early it was, I could call him. His eyes had grown darker and more intense as he spoke those words… or had they?

Even if I had noticed anything unusual about his behavior I never told him anything and just gave him a warm smile. I told him he was free to go out and have some fun if he wanted to but that I’d expect him to be ready at 8am the following morning.

What would have happened if I had invited him to join me for a drink? Would he have been bold and dominant or just happy his boss let him closer to her?

Maybe he would have grown braver because of the alcohol, kiss me roughly, tie me to the bedposts and tease me until I begged to be fucked. Or he’d admit his attraction and implore me for just one night with him. Or he’d never dare to say or do anything and I’d have to use my cougar charm to lure him in my bed.


That’s all for now, I must go back to writing. If you visit my website for the first time and you are interested in keeping up with my work, feel free to subscribe to Lilah’s steamy mailing list. You even get a free story – http://eepurl.com/b4sN_H. Meanwhile, if you want to see other writers and their work in progress go to the WIP IT UP Wednesday HQ for more teasing snippets.

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#WIPITUP Wednesday – #Heartbreak Hotel – Unorthodox Chemistry


It’s November so it was a high time to start writing the sequel to my first novel, Unorthodox Therapy. As usual, NaNoWriMo turned out to be as good occasion as any and I’m nearly at the 10k mark. I thought that WIP it up may be exactly right for me so I can tease my few fans with small snippets of the tale of Lina, Thomas and their adventures and sufferings in the world of kink. If some of you thought that Unorthodox Therapy was hardcore wait until you see what I’ve got prepared for you at Part 2. I won’t say much more but you can expect new characters, more active role for such that were already introduced in Unorthodox Therapy, fetish club naughtiness, roleplay and dark fantasies on the verge of madness. The cover is temporary, just until I am done with the rough draft. The girl is too young (why is it so difficult to find a truly sexy and appealing image of a sexy woman in her thirties?) The estimated length of the novel is about 135 000 words but it can be more or less, depending on whether the characters behave as I tell them to (and they never do, damn it).




It was pathetic that I only found out how heartbreak truly felt at the age of thirty-seven. Maybe that was why it was even more difficult to move on.

I sighed, closed my eyes and rested my cheek on the soft pillow, in a hope the sleep would take me away to some better, happier place. Was it too much of me to ask for just one night of happy, kinky and wet dreams instead of the usual trips to nightmare land?

The masochistic streak at me tugged and as I was laying there, blind to the world, I imagined his fingers around my neck and his breath against my ear. He’d whisper in my ear he had missed me so much and pull my skirt up. His hand would pin me against the pillow, tender and comforting and cruel at the same time. In my twisted fantasy, Thomas would keep the veil of hair cascading down my face so I wouldn’t take a look at him. I’d obey the quiet, authoritative voice that beckoned me to stay still and do as I’m told. The silk of the panties would slide down my skin, leaving me unprotected, as I longed to be. That sensation of vulnerability and surrender that took possession of my brain, just like each time Thomas stripped me naked while he remained fully clothed. He’d warn me not to move a single muscle and not to anticipate. His palm would slide down my willing, quivering flesh and he’d spread my ass cheeks, with a deceptive caress. Then, after I was fully sedated and hypnotized by his presence, blinded, soothed and kept in place, Thomas would raise his hand for the first smack that would leave a hot, burning sensation…


That’s all for now, I must go back to writing. If you visit my website for the first time and you are interested in keeping up with my work, feel free to subscribe to Lilah’s steamy mailing list. You even get a free story – http://eepurl.com/b4sN_H. Meanwhile, if you want to see other writers and their work in progress go to the WIP IT UP Wednesday HQ for more teasing snippets.

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